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Hysteria  ↓


HYSTERIA: Contemporary relational dualities

Hysteria is a photographic series that explores the mysterious concept of the double, focusing on the portrait and revealing a dichotomous representation of the intricate dynamics present in contemporary love relationships.

In any relational context, where instincts collide with sociocultural challenges, Hysteria seeks to unveil our ID, navigating through an increasingly sophisticated labyrinth of desires and repressions.

The series is articulated via the constant tension between the internal and private sphere, embodied by a deconstructed Ego: incoherent, metaphysical and impulsive; and the external and public sphere, represented by the ‘mask’ generated by the superstructures of the Ego, oriented towards obtaining collective consensus.

This friction originates in the continuous state of homeostasis, feeding Hysteria in its mission to identify and interpret the point of convergence between the individual and his alter-ego, through double portraits paired to form postmodern, liquid couples.

Each work is accompanied by an intimate audio interview of the portrayed subject, outlining the complex subjective fabric of love ties, always in a delicate balance between emotional expressions and what remains unspoken in the respective relationships.